#27 photobucket sllide show


lolcats funny cat pictures There's a BIG bunch of cute pictures at this site. Will go back and visit it again.


Image created at GlassGiant.com

Sunday, September 2, 2007

#22 e books

I opened a Net Library account and then went in to check out the two sites listed.

With the Net Library site, I kept hitting stone walls. Couldn't find anything on subjects I tried to find, nor did I find anything on authors I liked. Doing something wrong, but what?????

With Digital Library, I found things I recognized and that were of interest to me. Much better.
Will need to download Overdrive or another software in order to be able to download a book to try it. Might already have the Adobe Ebook downloaded already. Will check.

I will try again after talking to my ebook expert at work.

I prefer to hold my book in my hand verses listening to a book.

Flickr mashup #6

Photo Friday: Violet
Originally uploaded by Dey

I went back in and played with more of the flicker mashup tools. I made several but couldn't get them to my blog. Fun trying though

This is a beautiful picture of the center of a flower from the
Flickr Mashup color wheel.

May go back in and try at a later date.